July 2022 Meeting: Coffee Beer!

We’ll look to evaluate coffee impact on our beers. We’ll do some basic discussion and share experiences on adding / imparting coffee flavors as well as some tasting of controlled dosage beers. I’ll be bringing a number of other coffee beers to share. We will also have straight coffee (used in dosing) to taste as-is.

The meeting is July 14 at 7:30 PM at Queen City Clay

Big Brew

We have a big brew pot that we can brew 25+ gallons of beer at once and split the wort to see the impact of different yeasts, dry hops (variety, amounts), adjuncts, wood aging, etc. Email Matt B if you are interested.

Upcoming Competitions

All of the below events can use volunteer support for either judging or stewarding!

BCBS Fermentation FrenzyEntries due Friday, July 15, Judging on Saturday, July 24, Hamilton, Ohio.

Beer & Sweat: Entries due Thursday, August 11, Judging on Saturday, August 20, Hamilton, Ohio.

Oktobersbest: It’ll be in October!

Upcoming Events

PWC Boards & Brews / Sam Adams: August 7 at Sam Adams Cincinnati Taproom in OTR – winners announced, cornhole tournament, and festivities. This competition was judged by CMI judges.

June 2022 Meeting: Fantasy Homebrew Draft!

Our June meeting will be a fantasy homebrew draft. The concept is similar to a fantasy sports draft, using the snake draft approach pick in order from 1…XXX, then XXX…1 and repeat that until each team is “full”.

You have to build out a roster to meet the following criteria:

  • Base Malt
  • Hop 1
  • Hop 2
  • Yeast
  • Specialty Malt 1
  • Specialty Malt 2
  • Adjunct
  • Wildcard Spot (Can be any category you choose).

General Rules

  • You can draft in any order, meaning you can take any category with any pick (but base malt and yeast can only be drafted once).
  • Once a pick is drafted it is removed from the board.
  • These are the only ingredients that can be used in the beer, outside of water adjustments and clarifying/nutrients.
  • Beers must be brewed and ready for judging by the September club meeting.
  • You have to use all the ingredients in your beer.
  • Can sign up as individuals or as teams (likely 2 brewers would be best).

If you plan on participating, please let Matt B know so we can ensure there’s enough draft picks!

The meeting is June 9 at 7:30 PM at Queen City Clay

May 2022 Meeting: High Gravity Brewing

Join us on May 12, 7:30 PM at Queen City Clay for a presentation “High Gravity: Pro Techniques for Homebrewers” by Brittney Frey and James Czar, which will be a pre-presentation of their Homebrewcon presentation. Brittney Frey is a former brewer and now Production Director for MadTree Brewing Company and James Czar is the director of sales and marketing at Grainworks Brewing Company.