Join us on November 14 at 7:30pm at Queen City Clay to talk about beer blending. Blending has been around for centuries, and is commonly used with sour beers (many true Lambic beers are blends of multiple years and barrels), barrel aged beers (to smooth flavors), and mixes like shandies (England) and radlers (Germany) (interesting article discussing shandies going back at least as far as 1842 and radlers in 1922).

Park in one of the parking areas noted below in blue and enter the building via one of the doors marked at the red arrows.

Save the Date!
The Cincinnati Malt Infusers Holiday Party will be on the evening of December 14 at Queen City Clay. More details to come!

Upcoming Competitions
The Acronym Cup hosted by HBYOB and NEW Ales – Judging November 10 – Middletown