Cincinnati Inter-Club Get-Together and Competition

This is an event where the Bloatarians, Butler County Brewing Society, Cincinnati Malt Infusers and Dayton Regional Amateur Fermentation Technologists, Northern Kentucky Homebrewer’s Guild, and any other club that would like to attend can assemble to develop comradery over like interests. These clubs need opportunities to get to know each other, share brewing knowledge and advance the hobby.

WHEN: June 8, 10am to ???

WHERE: Humble Monk

FOOD: PotLuck (each club is responsible for bring a variety of food to be shared among the clubs)


Each club will bring 3 kegs of their finest beer to represent their organizations brewing prowess. The club winning first place will receive a firkin as a trophy. This will be a traveling trophy to be reassigned each year to the club winning first place.


1. Entries will be judged anonymously with only numbers, not beer names, representing each beer.

2. Entries will be judged in best of show fashion. Beers are judged by which one tastes the best with the tastiest taking first place and subsequent beers receiving second and third place.

First, second & third place beers can be brewed with Allen Moellmann at Humble Monk.