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February 13, 2019 at Sam Adams Taproom

Reminder- our next meeting will be on Wednesday February 13, 2019.

We will meet at Sam Adams Taproom at 7:30 pm
1727 Logan Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

Chris Siegman will give us a tour of his new digs.

No Homebrew please.

Malt Infusers who are All American Homebrew winners can pick up their medals at this club meeting.

Hope to see you there.

Meeting on January 10, 2019

Happy New Year everyone.

We have a lot going on early this year. Here is the list:

1. Membership dues can be paid on the website- $15 for a single and $20 for a couple. Otherwise, cash or check at this week’s meeting is great.

2. All American Homebrew Competition is live. Enter your beers before the competition closes. We need your help as judges and stewards. The first 40 judges and stewards tp register get a ticket to Saturday’s Beerfest at the convention center. Date is February 2, 2019.

3. January meeting is on the 10th at 7:30 pm at Norwood Community Center. Topic is stouts. Bring any examples that you have brewed. And if you don’t have a stout, bring something you have brewed to share.

4. February meeting- the normal date is Valentines Day. So rather than get everyone in the doghouse, we are going to meet on February 13, 2019 at the brand new Sam Adams Taproom. Chris Siegman is the brewmaster and will give as an exclusive tour. Address is 1727 Logan ST 45202. Near Findley Market and we will meet at 7:30 pm.

5. Other competitions are accepting entries and judges: Bockfest- first Saturday in March, and Liberty Home Bock and Germanfest is the following weekend. Details are on the Blotarian website.

Hope to see everyone on Thursday.

December Meeting is Saturday December 8th at 6 pm

Happy Holidays CMI members!

To start the holiday season right, our monthly meeting will be our annual Christmas Party on December 8th at 6 pm.

Norwood Community Center
1810 Courtland Ave
Cincinnati, H 45212

Please bring a side dish or dessert, and home brew to share. The main course will be provided.

The evening’s activities will include a “white elephant” style 6 pack craft beer exchange. (Will says if it is really quality- a 4 pack will do)

There will be door prizes which include Bock Beer kits. Our New Year’s Resolution is to sweep the Bock Fest this year.

So, let’s make merry and we will see you on December 8th.

November Meeting is this week on the 8th

This week on November 8th we will meet to discuss English beers. We will have a Homebrew example from Mike Florez. Mike brewed an English Ordinary Bitter from Gordon Strong’s recipe and put it in one of our new firkins. We have asked Randy Schiltz from Wooden Cask to discuss English Beers. The firkin will be tapped. This will be an eventful evening. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

November 8, 2018
7:30 pm
1810 Courtland Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45212

Meeting on October 11,2018

Hi Malt Infusers,

We have a busy week coming up. Our Oktobersbest beer competition is Saturday October 13th. Anyone who wants to assist with the competition, we still need judges and stewards. Please let me know if you have not registered to judge or steward.

We will be sorting bottles on Wednesday October 10th at Paradise Brewery- you are welcome to help sort. We will start at 6:30 pm, address: 7766 Beechmont Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45255.

Thursday is the meeting where we will learn about off flavors, just in time for a quick review before judging. However, everyone is such a great homebrewer that I’m sure we won’t detect any off flavors- but it’s great training!

Meeting is October 11 at 7:30 pm
Norwood Community Center
1810 Courtland Ave
Cincinnati, OH 45212

Oktobersbest is on Saturday October 13, 2018. If you are dropping off beer the day of the competition, please arrive before 8:30 am. Judges and stewards please arrive before 8:30 am to register. Judging begins promptly at 9 am. There are 2 sessions, with continental breakfast and lunch provided.

Hope to see everyone often this week!

CMI Officers