Category Archives: Uncategorized

February 2025 Meeting: Speedway Stout Horizontal!

In honor of NASCAR starting this month, we’ll be sampling a horizontal of Alesmith Speedway Stouts. Join us on Thursday, February 13th and we will *not* speed through those Speedway Stouts!

The meeting is at 7:30pm at Queen City Clay. See the diagram below for where to park and enter.

2025 Dues are Due!

Dues for 2025 are due. Membership is $20 per family and can be paid online using PayPal on the CMI Website or via cash or check at a meeting.

Upcoming Competitions

Bockfest 2025!  33rd Servatii Bockfest® – March 7-9, 2025  The Bockfest entry drop-off site is Esoteric this year. Dropoff window is Feb 14th through the 26th during Esoteric’s normal business hours. See the Bockfest site for registration and packaging rules.  Esoteric is located at 918 E Mcmillan St. Cincinnati OH

Beer and Sweat – Saturday August 16, 2025 – Holiday Inn Eastgate – Room Block is OPEN! Reserve your room for Beer and Sweat today! No deposit required! Make sure to adjust the dates and verify the Group Rate code is “BSK” for the best pricing or use the provided link. This also ensures we get credit for your room reservation which keeps our conference room costs down! We also have a get together and bottle share on Friday night, August 15, and our special rate applies for both Friday and Saturday nights!  Here is the booking link: Beer and Sweat Keg-Only Homebrew “37” Annual Competition. The Beer Awards Platform registration sign-up site for entries, judging, stewarding, and volunteering will be sent out as it gets closer to August.

The Star City Open Homebrew Competition will be held on March 22nd, 2024 at Star City Brewing in Miamisburg, OH.

Regional NHC Judging – Chicago – Seven judging sessions are scheduled for April 8-12: 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 8th Skeleton Key Brewing Woodridge, IL, 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 11th Dovetail Brewing Chicago, IL, 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Saturday, April 12th Dovetail Brewing Chicago, IL

January 2025 Meeting: NA Beers

We’re going alcohol free this month. Since the Christmas party had quite a bit of barrel aged stouts and to celebrate dry January (who does that???), we’re going to sample various non-alcoholic offerings. As always, bring homebrew to share (preferably with alcohol since… well…).

So join us on Thursday, January 9th at Queen City Clay, and leave your Uber account at home since you won’t need it!

The meeting is at 7:30pm at Queen City Clay. See the diagram below for where to park and enter.

2024 Dues are Due!

Dues for 2024 are due. Membership is $20 per family and can be paid online using PayPal on the CMI Website or via cash or check at a meeting.

December 2024 Meeting: Holiday Party!

The Cincinnati Malt Infusers Christmas Party will be on December 14 at 6:00 PM at Queen City Clay. Please join us for an evening of fellowship, food, and general beery fun!

  • Bringing a dish to share – the main course will be provided
  • Bring a wrapped beer gift to exchange – something you’d like to receive as a gift. Could be a 4 or 6 pack or 1-3 bombers.
  • We will have some very special cellared beers to enjoy
  • Family members of drinking age are welcome!

November 2024 Meeting: Beer Blending!

Join us on November 14 at 7:30pm at Queen City Clay to talk about beer blending. Blending has been around for centuries, and is commonly used with sour beers (many true Lambic beers are blends of multiple years and barrels), barrel aged beers (to smooth flavors), and mixes like shandies (England) and radlers (Germany) (interesting article discussing shandies going back at least as far as 1842 and radlers in 1922).

Park in one of the parking areas noted below in blue and enter the building via one of the doors marked at the red arrows.

Save the Date!

The Cincinnati Malt Infusers Holiday Party will be on the evening of December 14 at Queen City Clay. More details to come!

Upcoming Competitions

The Acronym Cup hosted by HBYOB and NEW Ales – Judging November 10 – Middletown

October 2024 Meeting: Social + Bottle Sorting at Braxton Brewing

Join us on October 10 at 7:00pm at Braxton Brewing in Covington for an evening of camaraderie, craft, creativity, and sorting bottles for the Oktobersbest competition. This gathering is an opportunity to share our passion for homebrewing, swap stories, and discuss the art and science of brewing exceptional beer. Not to mention, this is one of those times where many hands makes light work!

Braxton Brewing’s welcoming atmosphere and delightful brews will set the perfect backdrop for an evening of lively discussions, laughter, the joy of exploring the wonderful world of homebrewing, and sorting bottles. Let’s raise our glasses and toast to the art of homebrewing!


Oktobersbest is this Saturday, October 12 at Braxton Brewing in Covington. We can still take judges and stewards.

Beer for Boobs is October 19 at Parson’s North Brewery in Columbus, Ohio.