All posts by Andrew Rohne

June 2022 Meeting: Fantasy Homebrew Draft!

Our June meeting will be a fantasy homebrew draft. The concept is similar to a fantasy sports draft, using the snake draft approach pick in order from 1…XXX, then XXX…1 and repeat that until each team is “full”.

You have to build out a roster to meet the following criteria:

  • Base Malt
  • Hop 1
  • Hop 2
  • Yeast
  • Specialty Malt 1
  • Specialty Malt 2
  • Adjunct
  • Wildcard Spot (Can be any category you choose).

General Rules

  • You can draft in any order, meaning you can take any category with any pick (but base malt and yeast can only be drafted once).
  • Once a pick is drafted it is removed from the board.
  • These are the only ingredients that can be used in the beer, outside of water adjustments and clarifying/nutrients.
  • Beers must be brewed and ready for judging by the September club meeting.
  • You have to use all the ingredients in your beer.
  • Can sign up as individuals or as teams (likely 2 brewers would be best).

If you plan on participating, please let Matt B know so we can ensure there’s enough draft picks!

The meeting is June 9 at 7:30 PM at Queen City Clay

May 2022 Meeting: High Gravity Brewing

Join us on May 12, 7:30 PM at Queen City Clay for a presentation “High Gravity: Pro Techniques for Homebrewers” by Brittney Frey and James Czar, which will be a pre-presentation of their Homebrewcon presentation. Brittney Frey is a former brewer and now Production Director for MadTree Brewing Company and James Czar is the director of sales and marketing at Grainworks Brewing Company.