Next Meeting June 14, 2018

We hope your summer brewing is in full swing.  Our next meeting topic will help if not!

Next Meeting: June 14, 2018

Norwood Community Center

1810 Courtland Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45212

7:30 pm

Topic is American Pale Ales: How to Brew the Perfect APA
5 kits will be given out for those who will brew them for the August meeting.  If we get more that 5 volunteers, then there will be a drawing for the kits.
In August there will be a mini-BOS for these

Additional topics:
CMI shirts- ordering them will be discussed.
BYO magazine subscritpion discount- bring $15 cash or check to sign up for the discount/renewal if you did not do so at the May meeting.  If you signed up in May, your subscription information has been turned in.
As always: an “Eye Popping Raffle”